
🚧 Construction in progress - this blog site is still a WIP

On writing

Writing is an incredibly important thing to practice: You can think clearer. Maximise the reward gained from endeavours you make; remembering and revisiting them. Share your experiences and connect over them with others.

When you can write well, you're more likely to communicate well in all forms and succeed in influencing others.

The funny paradox about living in the moment is that you're likely not to remember it. There's some truth to the whole "if there aren't any photos (or Instagram post), did it really happen". This is why I try to capture most things I do in some way.

What to expect

On this blog I place my projects, learnings and thinking out in the open in an effort to connect with others.

Please reach out to me if you see something you like! My socials are on the home page.


3D Printed Under-Desk MacBook Mount

Written by Kyle Satti
~3 min read
22nd of July, 2023